Category: Transportation Planning

  • A reminder: Transfers Need Frequency

    In the recent SW Corridor thread, the prospect of a LRT line connecting Tigard TC with Washington Square and/or Beaverton TC came up.  Such a thing is outside the scope of the SW Corridor project as currently defined, but might well be a longer-term project for the metro area.  One specific question that came up…

  • TriMet to start bus service planning/outreach in SE and around Milwaukie MAX

    Title says it all.  TriMet is now starting its planning and public outreach activities in preparation of the opening of Portland-Milwaukie MAX next year, and is looking for public input, particularly on the question of how bus service should be reorganized around PMLR.  A set of guidelines for the process can be found here.  The…

  • A Little Wonkery From One of Our Own

    The PSU Winter Transportation Seminar Series kicks off with a panel of student presentations, including one from Portland Transport contributor Zef Wagner: Speakers: Nick Foster, Christopher Muhs and Zef Wagner, Portland State University Topics: Evaluating Driver and Pedestrian Behaviors at Enhanced Multilane Midblock Pedestrian Crossings: Case Studies in Portland, OR — Bicycling is Different: Built Environment Relationships…

  • New Year’s Resolution: Honest Traffic Forecasts

    Via Sightline: No, that’s not my resolution, it’s one I’m proposing for Federal and State DOTs. The State Smart Transportation Initiative has looked at 61 years of traffic forecasts and found that in all 61 cases, actual VMT was less than the forecast. This graph makes the case for reforming the forecasting process in the…

  • More Work on Replacing LOS

    We continue to look for alternatives to the dreaded, auto-oriented “Level of Service” as the way to measure the performance of our streets… PSU Transportation Seminar: Speaker: Shaun Quayle, Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Topic: Piloting Portland’s MultiModal Arterial Performance System When: Friday, November 22, 2013, 12-1 p.m. Where: PSU Urban Center Building, SW 6th and Mill, Room 204 Summary: Shaun…