London Transportation Bombings
I was relieved to find in my inbox this morning a message from my sister-in-law in London that she and my brother, who works in the financial district, are OK. I suspect my brother will be walking home this evening. After the first sense of relief, my next two thoughts were: – What steps can…
The Cost of Parking
Transportation advocates have long known that free parking has a high cost: it encourages drive-alone trips, ties up valuable land in acres of impermeable, pedestrian-unfriendly parking lots, and creates business districts lacking in “life on the street.” This fantastic article takes a closer look at the high price of free parking in our cities, including…
One Metro Councilor Challenges the Status Quo
For the last 30 to 50 years, transportation planning in the United States has been: 1. Carried out largely in isolation from regional, city or neighborhood land use planning, even though we know transportation investments shape property values and land uses and land use regulations play a major role in travel patterns. 2. Based on…