Category: Transportation Planning

  • Moving Freight

    There is a lot of hand-wringing going on in some quarters of the business and transportation policy communities about the “freight problem.” How do we keep trucks moving on what appear to be congested roadways. Curiously, until recently there was only scattered data on this issue; the I-5 Task Force – aka “Trade Partnership” –…

  • Our Own Little Think Tank

    Rob Bertini at PSU passes on this press release about funding for the Center for Transportation Studies at PSU (in cooperation with U of O, OSU and OIT – how’s that for alphabet soup). What research questions would Portland Transport readers want CTS to study? This is only the beginning of news coming out the…

  • Trend is Not Destiny

    Today I attended a joint meeting of MTAC (Metro Technical Advisory Committee) and TPAC (Transportation Policy Alternatives Committee – on which I am a citizen representative). The purpose of the meeting was to review the 2030 population forecasts, which will help drive the next update the Regional Transportation Plan and the next UGB (Urban Growth…

  • What You can do About the TPR Update

    The Joint Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) and Department of Land and Conservation Development Commission (LCDC) Subcommittee met on July 19th. They will move the TPR Mission Statement amendments to the full LCDC at the November meeting in Medford. The TPR Workgroup will discuss the changes again on August 2nd. To my knowledge, no other formal…

  • TriMet’s Transit Investment Plan

    Decisions about where and when we make transit investments are some of the most important decisions facing our community today. Our choices will influence land development, travel patterns, the economy, public health and our very quality of life. TriMet’s Transit Investment Plan (TIP) seeks to provide a framework for how transit investments will be made.…