Category: Transportation Planning

  • [Updated] Secretly Gutting the Transportation Planning Rule

    In 1973 the Oregon Legislature passed SB 100 creating a strong statewide land-use planning program. A set of 19 Statewide Planning Goals, are at the foundation of this planning. Every city and county is required develop local comprehensive plans that are consistent with these goals. Statewide Planning Goal 12 is Transportation. Division 12, OAR 660-012-0000,…

  • St. Johns Bridge Plan Ignores Chance to Reconnect

    Editor’s Note: This appeared as an opinion piece today on Oregon Live with a summary in the printed edition of the O. We’re cross-posting it here to allow a little more exposure and discussion. Portland’s Willamette River bridges connect east and west, north and south, uniting neighborhoods into one great city. Visitors marvel at the…

  • Why Doesn’t “Share the Sidewalk” Work?

    America is an entitlement society. Unlike European – or even more strikingly, Asian culture – we don’t share. We don’t cooperate. Every special interest group has their own identity and expects their own separate but equal facility. Non-transport example: look at how Portland solved the dogs in parks problem. Not by getting dog owners and…

  • Home Sweet Home – But Still with Work to Do

    As a transportation consultant, travelling around, working cities throughout the U.S., I am struck always by all the things we are doing right here in Portland. On a recent visit to Dallas, Texas, where I was raised, a hideous haze of air pollution sent my asthma into full flair. I met with the Parks Board…

  • Movie Review: End of Suburbia

    Going to a movie is something I rarely do — public life doesn’t leave too many nights free and frankly I’d rather spend time with the family or a good book than risk most Hollywood fare. But last Wednesday I went to a screening of End of Surburbia put on by a newly formed group…