Better Late than Never

A few weeks ago, when the Oregonian wrote their “people will always drive” editorial, I penned a response with Randy Miller, a business leader in the Central Eastside. Our perspective addressed in particular how mobility in the central city has changed. The O has finally published it.

13 responses to “Better Late than Never”

  1. One thing I do like about the silly streetcar-
    Trimet isn’t (for many people)

    As far as the biking thing, eventually bikes will own the roads, no government intervention will be needed. 20 years or less is my guess.

  2. Excellent piece. The best summary of our City’s transportation strategy I seen in a long time. Ironically, its what the editorial board of the “O” would have written themselves only a few years ago. Oh for a progressive daily!

  3. Since I live right on the Springwater Trail, sure the bikes “have owned the roads” lately…..with the weeks on end of heavy rains, slippery piles of leaves in the road, now the cold wind and likelihood of frost on the trail or even ice. Why, there must be at least two percent of the traffic there was during the summer!!
    Yup, we’re all going to be riding bikes.

  4. Looks like someone didn’t even read Chris’ piece!
    Plenty of bikes out today in NE PDX; and too many cars on the Tillamook Bikeway, going too fast.

  5. My point is that bicycling is not likely to be a year round alternative; thus any transportation spending equation should account for the reality that people are going to find different modes preferable under different circumstances. As my August 2012 article on Community Transit’s express bus system pointed out, it is possible to establish efficient mass transit to even suburban communities, for relatively small cost. The total population of Snohomish Co. is 722,000—-quite a lot larger than Clackamas or Clark Cos. It will be interesting to see what they do to increase ridership.

    Tillamook Bikeway? I didn’t know you could bike to Tillamook :)

  6. I rode a twelve mile round-trip commute daily for six years from Gateway to downtown. This was before major support from the City. I did this because I really hate sitting on the Banfield Freeway bumper to bumper. My stress went way down and my health improved dramatically while bike commuting. It was not hard or unpleasant, if you just start doing it and put your will to it. That being said, it would have been better and safer with the infrastructure the City is now getting installed. We have to make it safer for regular folks to bike every day, before they will do it. I welcome the efforts to make this a viable choice for more people.

  7. When I turned off of NE 57th into my neighborhood east of Hollywood last night, it was pretty obvious that cycling is a year-round option. On a very cold, windy, dark evening, I saw 6 other cyclists in a period of around 1 minute. I ride to Gresham every day during the summer months, and I manage to still get 2-3 days a week even during the worst weather. Year-round cycling is an option, you just have to find the motivation. It will save you money and improve your health.

  8. “Oh for a progressive daily!”

    Well, Mr. Anderson, there’s

    Not exactly a daily, but Clark Co. Commissioner-elect David Madore (who owns ask for the new 2-1 Republican majority to withdraw County support of the CRC. Don’t know what else to suggest :) I’ve been trying to figure out how many union wage jobs this new plan in Portland will make. I know the expensive foreign autos (with the Obama stickers) running around downtown Portland don’t make very many, so there has to be something better.

  9. Read Jane Jacobs’ fine little book “Cities and the Wealth of Nations” to understand what Joe Cortright is talking about. Recreating Portland to be a less auto dependent place with real options for its people is a huge step into a future that will pay off big time.
    Now if we can just remove the noose that rings the Central City, like SF did with its eyesore on the waterfront.

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