Category: Transportation Funding

  • PDOT must Manage, Maintain and Market Portland’s Outstanding Transportation Options

    This post was orginally a comment on TONIGHT: Transportation Budget Forum. Faced with limited resources and growing demand, I expect PDOT to do what any private sector organization would do…increase operational efficiency by: Focusing on key customers…i.e. managing demand, Prioritizing maintenance, and Investing in low cost capital projects that support the management and maintenance strategy,…

  • TONIGHT: Transportation Budget Forum

    We blogged last week about being asked to be on the PDOT Budget Advisory Committee. Now Commissioner Adams is opening up the input process to the public at a forum tonight. Come and help shape PDOT’s priorities! Commissioner Sam Adams is asking the Portland community for their advice and assistance in establishing future budget priorities…

  • Cost of Congestion Study: Where’s the ROI

    I agree strongly with the recent posts by Rex and Evan about the Costs of Congestion report. This report helps define the shape and size of the existing and future congestion problem. The report outlines our robust transportation industry and that congestion can increase business costs. While short on details, the PBA said they used…

  • And Another Perspective on the Congestion Study

    I start to pen this piece on PBA/Metro/Port’s “Cost of Congestion” with exhaust fumes in my nose after walking past two Port of Portland landscape crewman blowing leaves off the freshly cut grass at McCarthy Park…perhaps a symptom of the Port’s disconnect from reality in this age of Peak Oil and global warming. But where…

  • Budgeting for Transportation Outcomes

    Of late, the book The Price of Government has gotten a lot of attention. The thesis of the book is that citizens essentially pay a fixed percentage of their personal income to government (36% for the last 50 years in the U.S.) and government needs to figure out how to spend it most effectively. I…