We blogged last week about being asked to be on the PDOT Budget Advisory Committee. Now Commissioner Adams is opening up the input process to the public at a forum tonight. Come and help shape PDOT’s priorities!
Commissioner Sam Adams is asking the Portland community for their advice and assistance in establishing future budget priorities for Portland’s Office of Transportation.
Here’s the problem: Over a five-year forecast, Portland expects a funding gap of $43 million for City transportation services. A shortfall of nearly $8-million is projected for the coming year – FY 2006 – 2007. Cost increases in this forecast are driven by three factors – Portland’s declining share of gas revenues; inflation affecting construction materials; and, new partnership requirements. For now, the gap between costs and resources can only be closed through cuts.
To develop a new portfolio of transportation services that closely reflects Portlanders’ priorities, and also squares with available funds, we have scheduled a Public Forum:
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
5:30 – 7:00pm
World Trade Center
Plaza Conference Room
121 S.W. Salmon Street, Portland
Doors open at 5:00pm
At the Forum, state-of-the-art electronic polling techniques will be used to capture a complete and accurate picture of citizen priorities for Portland’s future transportation services.
The Office of Transportation is committed to identifying short-term and long-term changes to assure the delivery of services within a constrained budget, finding ways to produce cost savings. To succeed, we need you to share your ideas for the City’s transportation budget priorities. Please make plans to attend this important Public Forum. This will be the single most important conversation about the future direction of transportation for Portland.
To RSVP for the Forum call 503-823-1328.