Category: Transportation Funding

  • Toll Roads Back in the News

    Yesterday’s Oregonian included an article by James Mayer (unfortunately it does not appear to be online) indicating that ODOT has selected an Australian company as a preferred partner for toll roads, possibly including the Newberg-Dundee bypass and an added lane on the southern end of I-205. Today the Oregonian’s “question of the week” is also…

  • Tolls in Our Future?

    Today’s Oregonian reports on the possibility of using tolls to fund new lanes on Highway 217, and reminds us that tolls are not completely foreign to Oregon. The Barlow Trail was a toll road and the Interstate Bridge was once tolled. Metro forecasts that the 12-minutes average commute on 217 is headed to 16 minutes,…

  • CTRAN Saved?

    I just heard on OPB that the sales tax increase to support CTRAN passed with 67% of the vote. Whew! Does anyone have more info or thoughts?