Category: Transportation Funding

  • Cost of Congestion Study: Another Perspective

    Here is why I think this is an important, possibly historic effort. For the first time in many years, leaders of both the business community and transportation agencies are sitting at the same table, in the same room, having a discussion about the issues we face as a region.

  • Metro’s Congestion Study

    The Portland Business Alliance, Metro, and others got decent ink this morning about a report they purchased on the costs of congestion, and a proposed $6 billion plan to address it. Both the Oregonian and the Tribune reported it as, well, media tend to report on economic studies — go with the press release. Skimming…

  • The Political Wisdom of Gordon Price

    When Gordon Price spoke at the PSU Traffic and Transportation Class a few weeks ago, he illustrated some fundamental problems with the way society thinks about its transportation choices. Here are three illustrations. Where does the money go? What’s the largest capital investment in transportation we make as a society? I ventured that it was…

  • Toll Roads Redux

    The banner story in today’s Oregonian is “Detour looms on how we pay for roads“. Writer James Mayer catalogs the decline in gas tax buying power and an accompanying chart shows three potential toll roads: Newberg-Dundee bypass, a new lane on I-205 from Tualatin to Oregon City and the Sunrise Corridor in Clackamas County. More…

  • Another Illustration of the Resource Gap

    In this morning’s Oregonian, James Mayer writes about the draft of the Oregon Transportation Plan. He highlights the gap, about $1B per year, between the revenue available, and the transportation needs outlined in the report. I’ll admit I haven’t read the report (PDF, 729K) yet, it will be a discussion topic at TPAC next week,…