Our Two Latest Transit Appliances
When classes begin at the new Collaborative Life Sciences Building (a PSU/OHSU joint venture) in South Waterfront, students will be greeted by not one, but TWO large-screen transit appliances in the building. The building atrium is cavernous. The screen is taller than my daughter – 80″ inches on the diagonal I believe (our biggest ever)…
Hack on the Transit Appliance Next Week
Last week I mentioned that TriMet had released a set of upgraded APIs. Now it looks like I’ll get a chance to play with them – and I hope you’ll join me! I’ve been asked to lead a session on the new APIs at next week’s TriMet Hackathon. Skip Newberry, President of the Technology Association…
Via Planetizen: Research out of the University of Washington shows that information tools that let riders know when the next bus is coming reduce perceived wait time compared to not knowing when the vehicle is arriving. Transit agencies can give customers improved satisfaction without major investments in additional service. Now I’d never say that TriMet…
Transit Appliance: Now with Weather
I usually have some free time around the holidays, and like to use it as an opportunity to advance the Transit Appliance project. This year that looks like adding weather as an option to the display. Want to know if you need your umbrella when you run for the bus? We’ll tell you. The widget…
The ArrivalStar Patent is Dead
As a provider of arrivals displays, Portland Transport is a happy organization today. (No, we never got sued – the lawsuits seem to have been limited to the providers of the web services and arrival estimates.)