Category: RTP Update

  • RTP Exercise: Equity

    This is the fifth in a series of six posts in the first phase of our online RTP policy exercise. Your job is to describe what the outcomes will look like if the RTP succeeds in producing the 2040 objective of Equity: Equitable access to affordable housing, jobs, transportation, recreation and services for people in…

  • RTP Exercise: Transportation Choices

    This is the fourth in a series of six posts in the first phase of our online RTP policy exercise. Your job is to describe what the outcomes will look like if the RTP succeeds in producing the 2040 objective of Transportation Choices: An integrated transportation system that supports land use and provides reliable, safe…

  • RTP Exercise: Healthy Environment

    This is the third in a series of six posts in the first phase of our online RTP policy exercise. Your job is to describe what the outcomes will look like if the RTP succeeds in producing the 2040 objective of Healthy Environment: Forests, rivers, streams, wetlands, air quality and natural areas are restored and…

  • RTP Exercise: Healthy Economy

    This is the second in a series of six posts in the first phase of our online RTP policy exercise. Your job is to describe what the outcomes will look like if the RTP succeeds in producing the 2040 objective of Healthy Economy: A healthy economy that generates jobs and business opportunities and sustains the…

  • RTP Exercise: Vibrant Communities

    This is the first in a series of six posts in the first phase of our online RTP policy exercise. Your job is to describe what the outcomes will look like if the RTP succeeds in producing the 2040 objective of Vibrant Communities: A vibrant place to live and work, and compact development that uses…