Category: RTP Update

  • Winding Down the RTP Exercise

    I promised the Metro folks I would have our results in by the end of the week. So I’ve closed comments on the 6 original ‘outcomes’ posts so I can starting gathering them up. I’ll close the 6 ‘scenario’ posts tonight, so get any last thoughts added in today. Thanks everyone for participating in this…

  • RTP Exercise – Solutions – Free Market

    In the final question for our Free Market scenario, what are some of the solutions to achieve these outcomes: Organizational Leadership is increased for business and related transit oriented development. Overall subsidization of the transit systems (including roadways) decreases by at least 50% at the state levels and users provide more representative costs. Companies locate downtown…

  • RTP Exercise – Challenges – Free Market

    What are some of the challenges to achieving these outcomes: Organizational Leadership is increased for business and related transit oriented development. Overall subsidization of the transit systems (including roadways) decreases by at least 50% at the state levels and users provide more representative costs. Companies locate downtown in greater number. Sprawl is minimalized and density is…

  • RTP Exercise – What’s Working – Free Market Scenario

    Adron has compiled his list of outcomes in a less government-interventionist scenario, so we’ll run this set of outcomes through the same three questions, starting with what’s working? Organizational Leadership is increased for business and related transit oriented development. Overall subsidization of the transit systems (including roadways) decreases by at least 50% at the state…

  • RTP Exercise – Solutions – Compact Development

    We’ve discussed what’s working, we’ve discussed the challenges, now the final question for the exercise is how do we get there? What are the solutions that will get us to our outcomes? “Compact Development” scenario outcomes: A seven-year-old on a bike should be able to safely and comfortably travel from his/her home to an elementary…