RTP Exercise – Challenges – Compact Development
The next phase of the RTP exercise is to look at challenges. [By the way, Jim and Adron, I’m still waiting for your outcome sets to examine in parallel with this one.] As a reminder, my selected outcomes are below. The question for this post is what challenges are getting in the way of making…
RTP Exercise – What’s Working? – Compact Development
So we now begin the 2nd phase of our RTP exercise, by assessing what we’re already doing that helps advance us to our desired outcomes. My set of desired outcomes follows below. I’ve credited the original author and linked to the comment where it shows up in the prior phase. The ground rules for this…
Next Phase of the RTP Exercise
I want to thank everyone for their participation in generating outcome visions. It started a little slow, but it really picked up steam! Thanks for (mostly) following the rules. Keep adding those comments, even as we start the next phase. What happens next is that I am going to comb through the outcomes and pick…
Help Coalition for a Livable Future Shift the Balance!
It has been said that building highways to reduce congestion is equivalent to buying a larger belt to cure obesity. Yet, as illogical as this sounds, many of the Portland region’s transportation projects and plans are still being guided by this perspective. The Coalition for a Livable Future believes that it is time to transform…
RTP Exercise: Fiscal Stewardship
This is the sixth and final in a series of posts in the first phase of our online RTP policy exercise. Your job is to describe what the outcomes will look like if the RTP succeeds in producing the 2040 objective of Fiscal Stewardship: Stewardship of the public infrastructure ensures that the needs and expectations…