Not Your Father’s RTP … or … Losing LOS
A few months ago I asked JPACT chair Rex Burkholder “I understand the idea behind an outcomes-based RTP process, but when is the process going to feel different?” As of this week’s TPAC workshop reviewing the draft of Chapter 1 (goals, objectives, policies) [PDF, 887K] it definitely feels different. From the intro memo, here are…
Roadways and Safety
The final white papers for the Regional Transportation Plan update are out: Regional Roadway System (PDF, 289K) Safety (PDF, 1M) The first paper has the predictable review of congestion, but I found two interesting factoids as well: it’s not just the road systems that’s aging, but also our drivers, and this will affect everything from…
Whoops! Did I say that?
Update: 12/18/06 Rex’s piece ran as an op-ed in today’s O, with a response piece from Gregg Weston of OTAK. Gregg’s comeback is that we should set “audacious goals” for transportation. Hmmm… should our transportation goals be audacious? Or should our transportation goals be modest and our land use goals audacious? Or some combination thereof?…
Kudos to the Trib
Yesterday’s Tribute was pretty much a special issue on Transportation, including a cover story, editorial and “ReThinking Portland” section on the Regional Transportation Plan update. Overall I think they did a good job of framing the issues, and I’m in agreement with the editorial about needing leadership across all sectors of the community to deal…
What’s in a Headline?
Monday’s O had a piece by Jim Mayer on the Regional Transportation Plan. It did a good job of pointing out the resource disparity and contrasted the “we have to do more with less” point of view (Rex Burkholder) with the “we need to think big and find new funding sources” perspective (Clackamas County Commissioner…