Category: RTP Update

  • New Look Exercise # 3

    See the initial post for the rules and background. Here’s the third set of outcomes. We will know the region’s economy is healthy when…

  • New Look Exercise # 2

    See the initial post for the rules and background. Here’s the second set of outcomes. We will know our land use and transportation infrastructure is efficient when… My answer: household expenditures on transportation drop to 10% of all household expenditures (currently about 15% in our region).

  • New Look Exercises

    Friday was the infamous first New Look Regional Forum, which opened with an apology for the $30 registration fee. Hopefully that’s the last to be said of that issue. I was there for about 2/3rds of the forum (sadly I had to leave for a City Club Forum on one of my favorite subjects). I…

  • First They Charge, Then They Offer to Pay…

    Last week I railed about the fact that Metro was charging admission to the New Look Regional Forum coming up next Friday. Apparently pre-registration is strong – approaching 300 (no word on how many of those have requested scholarships as I urged). So, Metro is now looking for additional facilitators for the small-group sessions that…

  • Time for Some Civil Disobedience

    Update: 13 June – The issue is covered in today’s Oregonian: “Talk to Metro, but skip the fee”, including a URL for this blog. Speaking of the Regional Transportation Plan Update and Metro’s New Look, Metro has scheduled a Regional Forum on Friday, June 23rd to help gather ideas for the simultaneous updates of our…