First They Charge, Then They Offer to Pay…

Last week I railed about the fact that Metro was charging admission to the New Look Regional Forum coming up next Friday.

Apparently pre-registration is strong – approaching 300 (no word on how many of those have requested scholarships as I urged).

So, Metro is now looking for additional facilitators for the small-group sessions that will be one part of the Forum. If you can withhold your opinions sufficiently to be a neutral facilitator, you can earn $100 and a free lunch:

On Friday, June 23rd , Metro will be holding a Regional Forum to hear from the public across the Portland region. We are expecting nearly 300 people to attend, and will be conducting a variety of small group exercises intended to solicit input on desired outcomes and policy priorities for successfully implementing the Metro 2040 Growth Concept.

With close to 300 attendees, we are in need of additional small group facilitators. After talking it over with Metro staff, we thought this might be a great opportunity for planning students, or perhaps freshly minted planning graduates that are interested in regional planning, to get involved in the nuts and bolts of the New Look effort. We can even offer lunch during the workshop and pay $100 per person for the effort.

The time commitment will be the following:

Thursday, June 22nd
10:00 am to Noon

Friday, June 23rd
7:30 am to approximately 2:00 pm

The small groups will include elected officials and stakeholders from across the region, and we will be dealing with highly complex issues. We are looking for individuals with a high level of enthusiasm and adaptability, to serve as small group facilitators and to help the Portland region build a bright future.

If you are interested, please contact me no later than Wednesday, June 21st

Aaron M. Abrams
Project Associate
Moore Iacofano Goltsman, Inc. (MIG)
(503) 297-1005

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