RTP End Game
The final public comment period for the Regional Transportation Plan commences today. Speak now or hold your peace: 45-day public comment period on the Regional Transportation Plan opens March 22 On Monday, Metro opens a public comment period on both the 2035 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and the plan’s Air Quality Conformity Determination. The RTP…
Climate Change Battle of the PACs at Metro
Read this very carefully. On Thursday, JPACT will consider conflicting Climate Change amendments to the Regional Transportation Plan from MPAC and TPAC. The attached memo (PDF, 143K) makes this even more confusing, but fundamentally the folks on the Metro Policy Advisory Committee, which is focused on land use and community building have proposed a more…
Tweaking the RTP for Climate Change
Metro is reporting that TPAC (Transportation Policy Alternatives Committee – the technocrats) had a discussion about the impacts of climate change policy on the Regional Transportation Plan, but the momentum still appears to be for the status quo on the project list: Other TPAC members, while acknowledging the importance and urgency of reducing greenhouse gas…
Time to Reboot the RTP?
Do we need to try again on Metro’s Regional Transportation Plan? Last week we discussed the lukewarm response from progressive transportation advocates, now we have more specifics: Mayor Adams has tweeted that the plan fails to meet the goals of the Portland/Multnomah County Climate Action Plan. Members of the Sustainability Commission have expressed concern that…
Heads Up – RTP Comment Period Scheduled
Metro has indicated that the 30-day comment period on the Regional Transportation Plan update will begin on October 15. They have also announced the dates of a series of hearings: Regional Transportation Plan seeks public review Metro is preparing to release a draft of the updated federal component of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for…