Category: Projects

  • TriMet Bridge Groundbreaking Event Video

    Here is the full-length video (30min) from today’s TriMet press event held at OMSI, marking the official start of construction for the first new Portland-area Willamette river crossing in approx. 40 years. This video features the complete remarks, with a few occasional extra shots edited over the top. (Updated July 5th – Original version contained…

  • What’s Up with the FTA and PMLR?

    Update: TriMet says they were not expecting funding in this round, and that the project is in the President’s FY12 Budget, which is when they expect the first funding. Original Post: The FTA released their latest round of New Starts funding, and Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail was not on the list. According to some sources, $200M…

  • Vancouver City Council Thinks CRC Light Rail is a Done Deal?

    Based on the quotes in this Oregonian article, it would appear that the view is that the citizen vote in 2012 is about how to fund transit operations on the Columbia River Crossing, not whether to: The C-Tran board of directors, which includes three Vancouver City Council representatives, has set a vote on the sales…

  • Mayor Unveils West Burnside Ideas

    Mayor Adams posted a letter on his web site today, outlining stripped down alternatives for treatment of West Burnside Street. The focus is a much-reduced project, $18M rather than the original $80M. And it does not include streetcar: We completed the 25-year Citywide Streetcar Strategy. It showed me the need to prioritize streetcar extensions on…

  • CRC Parking Spaces at $55K Each

    The Columbian is reporting that the three park-and-ride structures for the Light Rail component of the Columbia River Crossing will cost $158M to $178M (divide that by the 2,890 spaces to get the cost per space). That’s between 18 and 20% of the $850M cost of the Light Rail project. “The structures themselves are literally…