Category: Projects

  • A phased approach for the CRC?

    With the recent revelations by the Oregon and Washington state treasurers that yea verily, the funding for the Columbia River Crossing is not all there, and the amount of money available from tolls is not likely enough to pay the bridge’s ginormous price tag–it is good to see the editorial board of the Oregonian acknowledging…

  • Third Bridge Now Group Hosting CRC Events

    Under the banner of “Alternative River Crossings” (ARC) the Third Bridge Now advocacy group is hosting two upcoming events to discuss alternatives to the current Columbia River Crossing design. Both events are at the Clark County Service Building, 1300 Franklin St., Vancouver: July 29th 5:30-7pm Open house and chat with elected officials July 30th 10am-8pm…

  • Pre-tolls on the CRC?

    A nugget mentioned in yesterday’s Willamette Week article on Oregon state treasurer Ted Wheeler’s finding that projected tolling revenue might be inaccurate, and reported this evening on KGW: In order to make up the shortfall, the CRC project committee might consider “pre-tolling”: Placing a toll on the existing interstate bridge, prior to the completion of…

  • Eastside Streetcar delays and Buy America requirements

    Its not often that two bloggers here happen to write an article on roughly the same subject on the same night, but that has happened tonight. (I call your attention to Chris’s article below). The Oregonian reported that the Eastside Streetcar line will be opening five months behind schedule–in November 2012–and with five vehicles rather…

  • Ted Wheeler Agrees, CRC Traffic and Revenue Projections Unjustified

    Coverage from WWeek. We now have two State Treasurers raising serious concerns about the assumptions behind the Columbia River Crossing project. Can they sway the Governors who so far seem to have been undeterred by any reality?