Category: Projects

  • CRC Victim of Fiscal Austerity?

    An Associated Press story goes into an issue the Oregonian as studiously ignored – no one wants to pay for the Columbia River crossing. The article, which has appeared in the Seattle PI and on the KATU site includes skeptical remarks from Oregon Congressman Peter DeFazio: “I would say that there is a very, very,…

  • Metro weighs in on CRC phasing

    At yesterday’s CRC work session, which as Chris noted was intended to be about issuing a Land Use Final Order, instead got diverted to the subject of financing, and in particular, the subject of phasing the CRC project which was suggested last week by The Oregonian Bottom line: The Metro council wasn’t keen on the…

  • Barbur Concept Plan Gets a Web Site Also, the project is soliciting members for a Community Working Group.

  • Metro Getting Ready to Wash its Hands of the CRC

    Even as the financial plan for the Columbia River Crossing is being demonstrated to be a piece of swiss cheese, Metro is getting ready to give it’s final major approval. The so-call LUFO (Land Use Final Order) is Metro’s sign-off to the land-use impacts of the project, and Metro is the sole deciding agency under…

  • Digging into the Treasurer’s CRC Report

    Last week we noted that Oregon State Treasurer Ted Wheeler agreed with the Washington State Treasurer that the toll revenue projections for the CRC were unrealistic. Let’s dig a little deeper into the report (PDF, 695K), as there are quite a few salient points: Traffic projections in the 2008 DEIS are based on a 2002…