Category: Projects

  • SW Corridor public outreach

    For those interested in the SW corridor project, Metro now has a series of public events scheduled as part of the agency’s public outreach on the project. These events, scheduled during the months of September and October, include an open house, numerous presentations at various local farmers’ markets and other agricultural festivals, and a pair…

  • Metro Exits CRC Review Loop

    On a 5-0 vote today, the Metro Council authorized President Tom Hughes to sign the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Columbia River Crossing. And apparently Hughes signed just after the meeting. As to why this is a horribly bad idea, I can’t possibly say it better than Joe Cortright did in his testimony today…

  • CRC at Metro Again this Week

    This week the Metro Council takes up the issue of authorizing President Tom Hughes to sign the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Columbia River Crossing project. They’ll discuss this at a work session on Tuesday and Council meeting on Thursday. This is Metro’s last major sign off on the project.

  • Always Read the Fine Print: CRC Edition

    Last week we mentioned that the Columbia River Crossing had lowered its cost estimate. Our correspondent Joe Cortright read the fine print on the document involved (the Cost Estimate Validation Report – PDF, 1M) and found a few interesting tidbits: Why do they put this out on a Friday afternoon, the slowest news period of…

  • CRC Updates

    Keeping you up-to-date on the latest goings on with the Columbia River Crossing: 1) The project team has issued a press release indicating they’ve shaved $100M from the cost estimated based on design refinements. The cost estimate is now $3.5B rather than $3.6B. I feel so much better… 2) Congressman Earl Blumenauer signed on to…