Category: Projects

  • Anti-LRT activists in Clackamas County seek Milwaukie MAX referendum

    The Oregonian’s Molly Harbarger reports that a group of activists in Clackamas County, opposed to the Milwaukie MAX project, is seeking to place a referendum on the ballot to prevent the county from contributing any money to “finance, design, construct or operate” the project. The petition, approved by the Board of Commissioners, will be reviewed…

  • The Non-intuitive Math of the Lake Oswego Streetcar

    This morning the Oregonian editorialized against further development of the Lake Oswego to Portland streetcar project, citing the cost. That’s the new cost estimate of $208M (not including the value of the right-of-way we already own), not the $400M+ estimate that came out of the last round of the NEPA process. Without getting into an…

  • USDOT approves CRC

    The US Department of Transportation has just issued a record of decision for the CRC. This represents the final regulatory hurdle for the project, meaning that the state DsOT can go forward with acquisition of land for the ROW and of construction. Of course, there’s still the matter of funding the thing…

  • Blue Oregon on the CRC

    One of the state’s leading Democratic/progressive blogs takes a few whacks at the Columbia River Crossing, in a piece written by former Bicycle Transportation Alliance director (and occasional Portland Transport commenter) Evan Manvel.

  • Mix Analysis of LUBA CRC Decision

    The Land Use Board of Appeals ruled today on a collection of appeals filed by numerous parties related to the “LUFO” (Land Use Final Order) enacted by Metro providing the Oregon land use approvals for the Columbia River Crossing. LUBA sustained one grounds for appeal, that Metro exceeded its authority by approving a portion of…