Category: Projects

  • LO Streetcar project “suspended”

    Allan got here first in the the open thread, but The Oregonian is reporting that the Lake Oswego/Portland transit project has been “suspended”. Last night, the Lake Oswego city council indicated that they would not support the project, and Portland mayor Sam Adams announced this morning that the project was being suspended. Adams indicated that…

  • TriMet Hiring CRC Manager

    Would you like to manage all the transit aspects of the Columbia River Crossing construction? Now’s the time to apply. And the pay’s not bad. But wait, I thought we didn’t have any construction funding yet? Who’s going to pay this person?

  • KBOO Bike Show: Mayoral Candidate Eileen Brady, CRC

    Listen to the show (mp3, 27.7MB) Michelle, Tori and Steph talk with Mayoral Candidate Eileen Brady. Economist Joe Cortright discusses the Columbia River Crossing.

  • Coming Up on the KBOO Bike Show: Mayoral Candidate Eileen Brady, CRC

    This Wednesday at 11:00 am we’re interviewing Eileen Brady about her candidacy for Portland Mayor; then at 11:30 am we’ll talk with Joe Cortright, a Portland economist, about the Columbia River Crossing 11AM-Noon, Wednesday, January 4th KBOO FM 90.7 Streamed live at Podcast here later that day

  • Oregonian on CRC: It’s for the Freight

    Apparently funding the Columbia River Crossing is high up on the Oregonian’s list of resolutions for the 2012. Their number one argument is freight and a linkage to jobs: No, the first reason we need a new bridge is to safeguard our own economic health and assure growth — and to create thousands of new…