Willamette Week: “downsized” CRC is an Optical Illusion
Read their take on the Columbia River Crossing scope in today’s issue.
Should TriMet consider the MOS for Milwaukie MAX?
Should TriMet consider the MOS for Milwaukie MAX, particularly if funding from Clackamas County is no longer available?
Republican Party Chair Disses CRC and Transit in One Breath
Couv.com has the video of a joint appearance by Oregon Republican Party Chair Allen Alley and Metro President Tom Hughes, who have diametrically opposed positions on the Columbia River Crossing.
Community opposition and infrastructure projects
A major issue with large-scale infrastructure projects, such as highways or rail transit lines, is that frequently they face community opposition. Depending on which side of the fence one sits on a particular project, such opposition can either consist of heroic defenders of community values fighting valiantly against vested interests and the desctruction of their…
Gregoire Fails to Embrace CRC
Washington Governor Christine Gregoire outlined a 10-year transportation package in her state-of-the-state address, and did not include the Columbia River Crossing. Evan Manvel gives the details at Blue Oregon.