Category: Projects

  • Can the CRC Pay its Way in Tolls? Only in a Pipedream?

    Apparently, the answer is “no one knows.” The Oregonian’s Jeff Manning digs into the consultants’ reports and finds the interesting conclusion that: “None of these models… was specifically developed for evaluating tolling applications, and therefore all of them lack to varying degree one or more of modeling features essential for road pricing analyses.” . Washington’s…

  • Updated: Oregonian Sniffs CRC Money Trail

    Updated: July 13 Steve Duin follows up with some choice perspectives. Original Post: July 11 $130M so far. The spindoctoring is the most upsetting.

  • Mica Transportation Bill Prompts Strong Reactions

    I suspect the White House may be regretting that they didn’t put through a Transportation re-authorization bill two years ago when Jim Oberstar, the Democratic chair of the House Transportation Committee, pushed for it. Today John Mica, the Republican chair of the same committee released a draft of the reauthorization bill that cuts spending by…

  • SW Washington Congresswoman Conditions CRC Support

    According to the Columbian, Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler doesn’t feel she can advocate for Columbia River Crossing construction funding unless the vote for transit operating support is extended to the full C-TRAN service district.

  • “Bridge School”

    (Updated July 5th – Original version contained a typo. If you have embedded or posted a link to the original video, please update your links. Thank you.) Just prior to yesterday’s groundbreaking ceremony (video here) for the new transit bridge over the Willamette river, Rob Barnard, TriMet’s director of the Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project, gave…