Category: Modes

  • KBOO Bike Show: Cycling and Health

    Listen to the show (mp3, 24.4MB) The Bike Show welcomes guests John Gorham, Wake Gregg and Chris Smith, three people for whom cycling has helped transform their health. All three suffer from serious health issues that cycling treats or manages– even with busy life/work schedules that challenge regular exercise. We discuss how they made the…

  • What Active Transportation Means to Me Personally

    I’ve been an advocate for “active transportation” – walking, biking and transit – since getting involved in public policy in Portland more than 15 years ago. But eight years ago when I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes it became something more for me, a very important part of managing my health. Tomorrow I’ll be…

  • Coming Up on the KBOO Bike Show: Cycling and Health

    Talking with people for whom cycling has been an important contributor to their health. 11AM-Noon, Wednesday, July 6th KBOO FM 90.7 Streamed live at Podcast here later that day

  • “Bridge School”

    (Updated July 5th – Original version contained a typo. If you have embedded or posted a link to the original video, please update your links. Thank you.) Just prior to yesterday’s groundbreaking ceremony (video here) for the new transit bridge over the Willamette river, Rob Barnard, TriMet’s director of the Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project, gave…

  • Is the Yellow Line the best rapid transit connection to Vancouver?

    While the CRC and its design remain a topic of hot controversy, one of the key design elements is the extension of light rail, specifically the Yellow Line, into Vancouver. Many in Portland insist on it. Many in Vancouver are just as opposed, considering light rail an expensive boondoggle. Currently, the only through services between…