Category: Modes

  • The Case for Stop Consolidation

    Zef Wagner is recently relocated from Seattle to Portland and will be contributing occasionally and sharing his fresh-eyed perspective of Portland – Chris The Problem Most people take it as a given that local bus service is slow and often unreliable, while light rail is fast and very reliable. This is great news for those…

  • Why I Support Bike Sharing in Portland

    A number of months ago I signed on to a letter in support of using several million dollars from the regional share of Federal flexible transportation dollars to help jump start a bike sharing system in Portland. And although a number of friends and organizations that I’m normally allied with are questioning that priority, I’m…

  • My Bionic Bike Ride

    Saturday I joined about 100 other local electeds, planners, advocates and policy wonks for the 7th Annual “Visionaries Voyage” (also known in the past as the Policymakers Ride). This is a yearly bike ride that visits regional open spaces and natural areas and explores existing and potential trail network opportunities. In recent years this has…

  • Serious bike lane enforcement

    OK, this is staged… but here’s a public service announcement from the city of Vilnius, Lithuania, encouraging motorists not to park in bike lanes. Can you imagine Sam Adams driving that APC? :) Hat tip to The Urbanophile

  • Do We Have Enough Cabs?

    A post at Sightline looks at comparative taxis per capita, and taxi fares. Portland has a relatively low number of cabs per person, and relatively high fares. Would we benefit from looser restrictions on the number of taxis in Portland? How would we arrive at the optimal number? Do we need a limit at all?…