Boom Times for Streetcar Builders
Via Planetizen I think most of the 80 cities have had representatives tromp through the Pearl and ride our Streetcar…
My First Bike Commute Challenge
I’m participating in the Bicycle Transportation Alliance’s Bike Commute Challenge this month for the first time. I’ve been a telecommuter for 10 years+, so I’ve never thought I quite fit into the process. But this year a brilliant fellow telecommuter created “Team Telecommute” and I happily joined. Now all my trips to meetings, shopping, etc.…
Would You Like Some Music with Your Streetcar Trip?
Then you want to be out riding the system next Monday, September 19th from 7pm to 9pm for the Streetcar Mobile Music Fest! Every vehicle on the system (all six) will have performers to make your experience delightful. Check out all the details.
Could these be for More than Amazon?
Amazon is prototyping delivery lockers at 7-Eleven stores. This sounds like an interesting idea, but it seems a shame to me to only use them for Amazon. Why not let customers sign up to get all their UPS, Fedex and other deliveries at facilities like this? It would do wonders for reducting last-mile delivery VMT…
KBOO Bike Show: The Suburbs
Listen to the show (mp3, 25.8MB) We explore bringing cycling to the suburbs with Washington County, our neighbor to the west. While Portland likes to ring it’s proverbial bike bell for being bike friendly, we’re talking to Hal Ballard, Executive Director at the Washington County Transportation Coalition, Heather McCarey, Executive Director of the Westside Transportation…