Category: Activism

  • Updated: Transit Tax Benefit to Expire?

    Update: 12/21/10 The benefit is safe for 2011. Original post: 11/23/10 Part of the stimulus bill was a provision that allowed employer-provided transit benefits to be deductible expenses at the same level as parking: up to $230 per month. That provision will expire in January and the cap on deductible transit benefits will return to…

  • 2010 Featured Class Presentation

    Each year I like to feature one presentation from the PSU/PBOT Traffic and Transportation class. While all the presentations this year were great, Rebecca Hamilton’s objective of creating “parklets” in the parking strips on Mississippi and/or Alberta (PDF, 1.6M) struck a cord chord for me, particularly since this is not a theoretical plan, but something…

  • Another Crop of Activists

    One of my “look forward to” events every year is serving as a panelist during the final presentations for the Traffic and Transportation class. This year was no exception and we have another great set of presentations. Tomorrow I’ll call out one for special focus. Meanwhile, here’s the work of another great set of budding…

  • KBOO Bike Show: BTA Legislative Agenda and Small Bike Businesses

    Listen to the show (mp3, 26.5MB) Tori and guest host Michelle Poyourow talk with Rob Sadowsky, Executive Director of the Bicycle Transportation alliance about BTA’s agenda for the 2011 Oregon Legislative Session. Several bicycle-oriented small businesses weathering the recession are also featured.

  • Pedestrian Action!

    A press event coming up from our friends at the Willamette Pedestrian Coalition: Getting Around on Foot: New Report on Pedestrian Safety Needs and Call to Action for Better Walking Conditions Regionally WHAT The Willamette Pedestrian Coalition (WPC) will soon release its Getting Around on Foot Action Plan, a study and report which identifies pedestrian…