Category: Activism

  • The Futility of Citizen Involvement at the CRC

    Back in 2009 I griped about a Columbia River Crossing Project Sponsors Council meeting where citizens were limited to one minute of testimony and several citizens were actually ejected by a zealous security guard. I expected better from Metro, I really did. Today the Council considered whether to deem that the project had met the…

  • Why We Walk

    The national advocacy organization America Walks has just released a national walking survey, please go help fill in the picture.

  • Mad Men on HSR

    I don’t know that it’s going to inform the policy debate very much, but this video making the case for High Speed Rail is too funny to miss.

  • Lego Characters Rap for Light Rail

    via Streetfilms. A very entertaining video from Detroit that advocates for what I would call the Light Rail pattern of transit versus the Streetcar pattern (at least as we express it here in Portland), although the video doesn’t frame it that way. One of Portland’s bike-on-rail hazard signs makes a cameo appearance :-) Very creative…

  • Are Transfers Fair?

    OPAL (Organizing People Activating Leaders) doesn’t think so. They’d like TriMet transfers to be extended to 3 hours (and after 7pm, until the end of service). They’re holding a rally on Monday: Kickoff your Campaign for a Fair Transfer Monday, February 21st 6:00 PM St Francis Parish 11th and SE Oak (Bus #70) Dinner, childcare…