Author: guest

  • Freeway Loop-The 2nd Domino in the CRC Process

    I know the main focus of debate on the future of the I-5 system in the Portland area has of late been on the future of the Columbia River crossing. One “wild card” that will be arguable for years is how much growth can we reasonably anticipate in the Portland- Vancouver area. Right now, with…

  • First Hybrid/All-Electric Bus

    From Proterra’s web site: Based in Golden, Colorado, Proterra manufactures the world’s first hybrid- and all-electric, all-composite body transit vehicles built from the ground up to offer dramatic improvements in fuel efficiency while generating ultra-low or no emissions. Proterra offers all-battery and battery dominant vehicles using an array of auxiliary power units, including bio-diesel, gasoline,…

  • How Do We Protect Pedestrians?

    Lynn Lindgren-Schreuder is executive director of the Willamette Pedestrian Coalition Do we need better infrastructure for pedestrians? Should new infrastructure spending be primarily on roads? What do we tell the young girl whose mother died on January 7th while walking along Columbia Boulevard in an area that is dark, with no sidewalks or crosswalks? Where…

  • An Open Letter to Barack Obama on Behalf of Sidewalks

    Michael Ronkin is the former Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator for the Oregon Department of Transportation. Mr. President-elect Thank you for taking the time to listen to suggestions on how best to invest in our infrastructure. You have heard from many about repairing bridges and highways. You have been receiving many “shovel-ready” wish lists of projects. Big highway…

  • Service Rates Accessibility of Portland Locales

    Launched earlier this month, Where’s Lulu ( is a free, online database where Portlanders can rate and review places and services (mostly businesses) based on their accessibility. Example: Are the curb cuts next to the bus stop in front of a Stumptown Coffee Roasters wheelchair-friendly? A search tool allows for filtering using criteria such as…