Guest Post: Proposal for Upgraded Columbia Corridor/Bypass 30 Reroute
Another guest post by frequent reader and commenter dan w. We wish to remind readers that we are happy to run guest posts–simply email submissions to one of the moderators–ES. Serving the Rivergate Industrial District, Portland Airport and a plethora of other industrial/employment centers, the Columbia Corridor–aka Bypass 30 and its parallel routes–is a vital…
Revision Proposal for SE Quadrant of I-5/I-405 Loop
Guest contributor Ron Swaren is a regular commenter on Portland Transport. I have suggested this to the Oregon Department of Transportation as a means to eliminate several ramps in the Central Eastside Industrial District and to consolidate merging to and from the Interstate System, the Morrison Bridge and Highway 99E. 1. Redirect I-5 Southbound to…
Guest Post: A proposal for a downtown rail tunnel
This guest post is by Portland Transport reader dan w. We are always happy to publish well-written, topical guest posts; contact myself, Chris, or Bob if you are interested.–ES The idea of putting MAX underground through downtown Portland has been around for some time, and I’ve had a concept for a MAX subway that, with…
Important Wonkdom: Transportation Planning Rule Update
Guest contributor Heidi Guenin is Transportation Policy Director at Upstream Public Health and a citizen representative on the Transportation Policy Alternatives Committee at Metro. Disclaimer: What you’re about to read is a seriously nerdy transportation update but one that may have a very large impact throughout the state. What’s the Oregon Highway Plan? The OHP…
Bill Explores “Transit Benefit Districts”
Update: 3/3/11 An update from Kris, the bill will get a hearing: Great news: HB 3178 will be heard Fri., 1-3, in the Trans. & Econ. Dev. Comm., HR D. Also possible work session (vote). We’d suggest sending a letter of support to Co-chair Cliff Bentz, R-Ontario: rep.cliffbentz@state.or.us, and Vice Co-chair Patrick Sheehan, R-Clackamas: rep.patricksheehan@state.or.us.…