Author: guest

  • Double Deckers as Express Buses

    A guest column overviewing double-decker bus technology.

  • TheBus: The Legacy of Uncle Frank

    This guest post is from a reader who comments regularly under the name “Engineer Scotty” Last week, a good friend of mine who hails from Hawaii but now lives in the Portland area, posted a message on her Facebook page stating simply, “RIP Uncle Frank”. At first, I thought it was a eulogy for a…

  • Planning for the future as if we were serious

    Rob Zako posted the message below to the OTRAN list and with his permission I’m cross-posting it here. — Chris This afternoon, I attended a portion of the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) meeting, in particular, the agenda item dealing with progress on updating the Eugene-Springfield-Coburg regional transportation system plan. I was reminded…

  • A “MegaBus” for Oregon?

    We’ve always heard that the Celts were thrifty. Apparently what Ryannair did for air travel in Europe the Mega Bus enterprise has started doing likewise for surface travel. And now it is also operating in three major population centers in the United States with internet fares for inter-city travel. They even offer lottery type promotions…