Category: Transit Tools

  • Google Adding Real Time Arrivals

    Update: Here’s Google’s own post announcing this. The Oregonian is reporting this morning that Google is adding real time transit vehicle information to Google maps. TriMet and a handful of other cities are the first being rolled out. A couple of stops I checked this morning are showing real-time alert information, but the actual arrivals…

  • Transit Appliances Goes to School

    When we first launched our 8-inch transit appliance in the real world, it was at a pub. For the launch of our first big-screen appliance (36 inches in this case) we’re trying to be a little more serious – so we went to Portland State University. Pictured here is Dr. Chris Monsere standing next to…

  • A New Transit Appliance and a Deal for Some Intrepid Reader

    Our go-to device for our nascent Transit Appliance project has been the Insignia Infocast, a version of the Chumby platform marketed by Best Buy. Sadly Best Buy has discontinued the Infocast. But the good news is that we have a new contender, the Chumby 8, by Chumby Industries. It’s slightly more expensive ($199) but we…

  • The Addressable, Queryable Bus Stop?

    Sometimes as I’m browsing through the too many RSS feeds I subscribe to, I’m struck by an interesting intersection between two items from different sources. That happened this weekend when I noted this comment (from regular commenter Dave H) on the open thread: I’m not sure if anyone here is familiar with QR Codes, but…

  • Getting Ready for Transportation Camp

    In honor of Transportation Camp West, I’m happy to announce that we have MUNI working on our Transit Board(tm) application using a beta version the Transit Appliance JavaScript API. We’ll be showing it at Transportation Camp next weekend. But meanwhile you can get a sneak peak and a preview of my presentation at And…