Category: Transit Tools

  • The Smartphone App I’m Waiting For

    One of my key bicycle ‘gateway’ corridors is Naito Parkway. I use it to get from my neighborhood in NW Portland to the parts of downtown closest to the river, and to any east side destination south of Burnside (by crossing the Steel Bridge and accessing the Esplanade). But there’s a problem. The route is…

  • Transit Appliance Gets Personal

    I’d like to introduce the author of this guest post. Matt Conway from the Bay Area has been my co-developer on the Transit Appliance project and among his significant contributions are the adapters that allow the Appliance to work with transit agencies in the Bay Area. He has now created a version of our display…

  • Transit Appliance at the Convention Center

    I’ll be speaking about the Transit Appliance project this week at OSCON, the national Open Source Convention in our very own Oregon Convention Center. If you happen to be going to the show, please drop in for my talk on Wednesday (July 27) at 11:30am in room F150!

  • Transit Appliance Hits the Conference Circuit

    I’m happy to report that the Transit Appliance is garnering interest in the Open Source world. I’ll be presenting at both the Open Source Bridge conference this week and at the Open Source Convention (OSCON) next month, both here in Portland. OSBridge is being held at the Eliot Center in downtown Portland and my presentation…

  • A Great Time to Get a Transit Appliance

    Not only have we just released a new version of software for the Transit Appliance, but to celebrate Fathers’ Day, Chumby Industries has put the Chumby 8 – the ideal platform for a countertop Transit Appliance – on sale for $149.95, $50 off its regular price. Because we love our dads too, we’ll join in…