Category: Sustainability

  • Freight and the Environment

    Metro has recently produced an interesting little document by the title “Profile of the Regional Freight Transportation System.” The Daily Journal of Commerce has a brief piece today on the trends this report discusses. Unfortunately it’s still in draft form and therefore not on Metro’s web site. I’ll be sure to post a link when…

  • The Fleet Replacement Problem

    Jim Mayer has an interesting piece in yesterday’s O about particulate emissions from diesel, especially off-road equipment. The interesting part to me is how long it takes to replace the installed base of equipment: …thanks to slow turnover, the health benefits from the new standards won’t be realized until 2030. This is referencing rules that…

  • Latest from London

    After successfully introducing barrier pricing, London Mayor Ken Livingston now wants to adjust that charge based on a variable scale for emissions, in order to reduce greenhouse gases in the city. The most expensive category for SUVs would run almost $50 per day!

  • Cleaner Medical Transport

    The Daily Journal of Commerce is reporting that OHSU, Legacy, Providence and Kaiser have jointly launched a “Clean Diesel Hospital Zones” initiative: Retrofit technology will be put into practice in the hospital project. Each system will use its yet-to-be divvied piece of the $250,000 grant to focus on specific emissions needs. At Providence Health System,…

  • Bicycle Built for N

    Here’s mass transit that’s truly sustainably powered! I nominate it for Hawthorne Blvd.