Carbon Tax Discussion at Blue Oregon
Leslie Carlson has an interesting post about carbon taxes over at Blue Oregon. Please read and comment there.
America Leads
This month’s issue of the Sierra Club magazine has an article on our energy future. It looks at 3 scenarios for energy usage in the U.S.: Business as Usual, Best Current Practices and “America Leads”, an intensive effort on conservation and renewable sources: AMERICA LEADS In the third scenario, our country embraces not only today’s…
Virgin Carbon
Rex passed along this link to a piece by Richard Branson about Virgin’s efforts to reduce their carbon output.
Business Journal Poll on Sustainability
This week’s Business Journal Poll asks whether sustainability is good for Oregon’s economy. Vote your convictions!
SMART Car Seen in Wild in Portland
The Sunday O had an article about the trials and travails of trying to import the European SMART Car into the U.S (part 2 from Monday). But meanwhile, reader Miles Hochstein has documented one here already! Can anyone tell us the story of how he got it here?