Defining the Walk for Walking Your Talk
Following up on our earlier discussion on whether Al Gore is walking is talk, Portland Transport contributor Rick Browning recently sent this letter to the editor of the NY Times questioning whether it’s about how you get there or how far there is… To the Editor, Environmental activist Bill McKibben’s custom home in rural Ripton,…
Is Al Walking His Talk?
Guest poster Terry Parker is a regular commenter here on Portland Transport Recently a commentary appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle that was reprinted in March 7th edition of The Oregonian titled: “For Gore, it’s as I say, not as I spew”. Is this Al Gore’s very own incontinent truth about global warming and energy…
Debate on Cleaner Coal Continues
From yesterday’s New York Times (“Cleaner Coal is Attracting Some Doubts“). My favorite phrase from the article is “capture ready” to describe a power plant design. Sort of like an HDTV-ready TV set. I think I’d like to hold out for power plants that actually capture the carbon…
Carbon Cap Passes Local Muster
Readers of the Portland Business Journal responded positively (70%) to a poll about capping C02 emissions.
Breathing Locally: How Toxic is Transportation? DEQ at PSU
Portland State University Center for Transportation Studies Winter 2007 Transportation Seminar Series Speaker: Gregg Lande, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Topic: Air Quality: Toxics and Transportation When: Friday, February 9, 2007, 12:00-1:30 pm Where: 204 Urban Center