Electric Vehicles on Display at Movie Premiere Tonight
Just received this media advisory: Electric Vehicles to Exhibit at Portland Premiere WHAT: The Oregon Electric Vehicle Association (OEVA) will be exhibiting four vehicles at the Portland Premier of the Sony Pictures Classics’ film, Who Killed the Electric Car? Vehicles being exhibited include White Zombie [www.plasmaboyracing.com], the world’s fastest ‘Street legal electric car,’ and a…
Shades for a Planet
Add a new word to your lexicon: geoengineering – the idea of deliberately altering the earth’s natural systems (as opposed to the unintended altering humanity has always done). Today’s New York Times features an article (How to Cool a Planet, Maybe) on the idea of massive programs to alter the reflectivity of the atmosphere and…
Are We at a Tipping Point?
I couldn’t help noticing quite a convergence at the end of last week. First the National Academy of Science announces that the earth is the hottest it’s been in 400 years, and human activity is responsible. Then we have a flurry of local news: New emissions standards for cars in Oregon Randy Leonard pushes for…
Rubber Roads
Apparently recycled rubber is not just for basketball courts. Jerry passes along this link about recycling tires into rubber roads and railbeds.
Cascadia Scorecard Released
The Sightline Institute released their 2006 Cascadia Report Card yesterday. This is the third in their series of annual report cards on the health of our greater region (an area containing watersheds in parts of Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, British Columbia and Alaska). While there is no transportation grade per se, the report…