Category: Safety

  • Troubling Perceptions of Safety on TriMet

    According to the Business Journal poll, more than half of all respondents don’t always feel safe on MAX or buses. Since this appears relatively unrelated to actual crime stats, what could TriMet be doing to make people feel more comfortable?

  • Back Seat [Scary] Ignorance

    OK, I will cop to a guilty pleasure. On Mondays I read the “Back Seat” (commuting) column in the Oregonian. Not because I expect to learn anything about transportation policy, but because I sometimes enjoy the sophomoric wit. But mainly because I get to see what people are asking about. Monday’s letter was very scary:…

  • Transit Safety Poll at the Business Journal

    This week, the Business Journal’s poll is about how safe (crime safe – not traffic safe) you feel on TriMet: Total crime dropped in 2006 on MAX and TriMet — to a total of 886 crimes from 988 in 2005. But there were still 88 robberies last year, and 156 simple assaults. Do you think…

  • Traffic Safety Activism as Memorial

    Recently received: Next Thursday, Feb.15th 4:30-7:00, come demonstrate your love for your bike and your fellow cyclists! We will be gathering at 26th and Stark Street, where Nick lost his life to a speeding motorist. Make a face to face statement to motorists about traffic safety. We’ll have cyclists gather on both sides of the…

  • Proactive Pedestrian Safety Tool

    After a serious accident on NW 23rd Ave took the life of one pedestrian and seriously injured another, NWDA Transportation Chair Kim Carlson got busy. Not only did she and other neighborhood leaders advocacy successfully with PDOT for safety improvements on 23rd and 21st, she set out to help pedestrian take safety into their own…