Category: Projects

  • CRC Financing Risks

    Economist Joe Cortright has prepared a memo to local leaders on the financial risks (PDF, 51K) of the Columbia River Crossing project. Beyond fundamental questions like where the local match is going to come from, the project may require an unprecedented amount of debt. But perhaps scariest is the constraints that may be created by…

  • Metro Backs Replacement I-5 Bridge, Adds Significant Conditions

    I testified early and then had to leave the hearing, but you can read the Oregonian coverage here. It appears that the compromise constructed by President David Bragdon held. It would require significant independent analysis (yeah!) and change the governance structure to provide much more local control.

  • Three Metro Councilors Suggest Tolling CRC FIRST

    The Oregonian is reporting that that Metro Councilors Liberty, Collette and Hosticka are set to introduce a resolution calling for tolling the I-5 Columbia Crossing before before building a new bridge. “That would give us the information we don’t have right now, which is how would people react to having to pay for the project?”…

  • 13 Groups Request CRC Comment Period Extension

    Led by the Pacific Environmental Advocacy Center, thirteen organizations have signed on to a letter (PDF, 81K) requesting an additional 60 days be added to the comment period for the Columbia River Crossing Draft Environmental Impact statement. From the letter: Concerned citizens and implicated agencies cannot adequately participate in the NEPA process if they are…

  • Willamette Week Takes on the CRC

    As it’s cover story: “A Bridge Over the River Why?“