Category: Projects

  • A Little Daylight in Council Consideration of CRC

    The Portland Mercury is reporting that Commissioner Dan Saltzman is shopping the idea of withholding Council support for the Columbia River Crossing Locally Preferred Alternative until the independent analyses that both the Portland City Council and Metro Council have requested are complete. Apparently it’s dawning on these guys that once they approve the LPA they…

  • The Other CRC Decision

    While everyone is (justifiably) focused on the Locally Preferred Alternative decision for the Columbia River Crossing, a correspondent points out that another decision related to the project is being rushed through. The required amendment to add the CRC to the Regional Transportation Plan is now in the pipeline. It was pushed through TPAC last Friday…

  • CRC City Club Forum Widely Covered

    Friday’s City Club program on the Columbia River Crossing has gotten a fair amount of press coverage: Rumble! It’s the City Club Forum on the Columbia River Crossing Portland Mercury Blog Sparks, opinions fly in I-5 bridge project debate Portland Tribune Interstate 205 bridge over the Columbia River may get tolls Oregonian Issues pile up…

  • CRC at City Club on Friday

    From City Club: The I-5 bridge across the Columbia River is a major congestion point on the I-5 corridor. Anticipated population growth and commercial development, along with traffic safety issues and earthquake preparedness, are driving a public conversation around how to address these challenges.The Columbia River Crossing Project, a joint project of the Oregon Department…

  • Council Drinks CRC Kool-Aid wthout Benefit of Hearing

    The Mercury and Oregonian are both reporting that all five Portland City Council members have signed on to a letter (the Mercury site includes a link to the letter) embracing the replacement bridge for the Columbia River Crossing along with a number of conditions that map pretty closely to the Metro resolution (independent analysis of…