Category: Projects

  • Columbia River Crossing Action Alert

    From the Coalition for a Livable Future: The Columbia River Crossing (CRC) project is an effort to rebuild and expand the I-5 bridges spanning the Columbia River. Unfortunately, all current options being considered for the project will significantly increase global warming pollution, harm people’s health, and undermine our region’s vision of a sustainable economy, all…

  • It’s Finally Here…

    The Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Columbia River Crossing has been released. Two public hearings have been scheduled: Wednesday, May 28, 5 – 8 p.m. Combined Deck Rooms and River Room West 1 & 2 Red Lion Hotel Vancouver at the Quay 100 Columbia Street Vancouver, WA 98660 Thursday, May 29, 5 – 8…

  • Telling CRC Headline

    From the Daily Journal of Commerce this morning: Columbia River Crossing builds contention instead of connections

  • Kulongoski Calls for Congestion Pricing as Advocacy Group Launches CRC Alternatives Web Site

    Speaking to the Oregon Environmental Council, Governor Kulongoski spoke strongly in support of congestion pricing (in the form of variable tolling at bottleneck points in the system). See Oregonian coverage and commentary by Jeff Mapes. Interestingly he has slightly altered his rhetoric about the Columbia River Crossing. He spoke of “offsetting” the greenhouse gas emissions…

  • CRC – Who Pays?

    In yesterday’s O, Joe Cortright asks who will pay for the Columbia River Crossing, and perhaps more importantly, what won’t we be able to pay for as a result?