Category: Projects

  • CRC meets with project area neighborhoods

    The Columbia River Crossing project has plans to meet with many neighborhood association and community groups after the Draft Environmental Impact Statement is released to give an overview of the information and conclusions contained. These meetings will provide community members with an opportunity to discuss the contents of the document before submitting comments. The schedule…

  • Columbia River Crossing: No Toll Plaza?

    A January 24th article in the Columbian hints at an unusual possibility for collecting tolls on a new bridge: No tollbooths would be built. Instead, electronic transponders in each car would collect tolls. One-time users – tourists, for example – would be notified of the impending toll through signs on I-5 approaching the bridge and…

  • Columbia River Crossing – Aesthetics in the News

    Metroblogging Portland pointed out an article in today’s Oregonian about the constraints a new bridge design will face when it comes to elevation and appearance: Limits offer ‘no poetry’ for I-5 bridge Vertical constraints for a new Columbia span could mean a simple, flat design Some of the region’s political leaders have said yes. They…

  • Columbia Crossing Bad Economics?

    Local economist Joe Cortright is interviewed in the Daily Journal of Commerce questioning the cost/benefit breakdown on the Columbia River Crossing.

  • Milwaukie’s MAX: TriMet releases cost, rider numbers

    The Clackamas Review today reports that TriMet released the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Milwaukie MAX project last week. It estimates that costs will range from $1.25 billion to $1.42 billion and that the line could draw more than 25,000 daily passengers, up to almost one-half of which aren’t currently using transit. The…