Category: Projects

  • I-5/99W Connector Continues to Struggle

    Unfortunately it does not appear to be online, but yesterday the O reported that Wilsonville and Clackamas County are insisting on a study for what the connector would do to capacity on I-5, while Washington County wants to move the process forward without such a study.

  • Time to Reboot the RTP?

    Do we need to try again on Metro’s Regional Transportation Plan? Last week we discussed the lukewarm response from progressive transportation advocates, now we have more specifics: Mayor Adams has tweeted that the plan fails to meet the goals of the Portland/Multnomah County Climate Action Plan. Members of the Sustainability Commission have expressed concern that…

  • 350 This Weekend

    What’s magic about 350? That’s the upper limit (in parts per million) of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere to keep climate change to a manageable level. The problem is, we’re already at 390ppm and increasing. A series of rallies around the world are scheduled for October 24th, including one here in Portland protesting the Columbia…

  • Bragdon on CRC

    A “personal statement” from Metro President David Bragdon about the current state of Columbia River Crossing discussions popped up on Metro’s web site today. Included in the statement: We can’t afford that version, and it wouldn’t work anyway: the jumbo proposal has no realistic financing, loses public support the more people learn about it, and…

  • CRC on the Ropes?

    In an interview with the Trib, Peter DeFazio has again insisted that the Columbia RIver Crossing get smaller and less expensive. Meanwhile Coalition for a Livable Future has issued an action alert asking folks to comment on the Regional Transportation Plan, asking Metro to balance the plan more strongly toward walking, biking and transit, including…