Category: Projects

  • Shopping CRC 1.1 Around

    CRC staff is out shopping the new slimmer version of the Columbia River Crossing, now with only 10 lanes (no word on the exact lane configuration, but apparently it can be re-striped to 12 lanes later) and a few less interchanges – and an uglier design across Hayden Island. Here’s the full list: Eliminating a…

  • High-Speed Rail, CRC on Agenda in Salem

    Updated 11/15/09: For those who can’t attend in person, the meeting with be streamed. Original Post 11/12/09: The House Interim Transportation Committee is meeting on November 19th and will discuss the Columbia River Crossing and High-Speed Rail among other issues.

  • Here Comes CRC 1.1

    The Trib reports that according to “sources who declined to be identified” project staff are briefing local leaders on alternatives to trim the cost of the Columbia River Crossing project. I thought we were supposed to have public process for this sort of thing? How about going back and doing a supplement DEIS to introduce…

  • Time to Reconceptualize the CRC

    The election of a new mayor in Vancouver, one who ran on the platform of a slimmed-down Columbia River Crossing that would not require tolls for funding, should be an opportunity to re-examine the fundamentals of the project. The Oregonian editorial board is begging the presumed Mayor-elect to “shoulder the realities of this project”. Meanwhile,…

  • Ask Not Who Tolls the CRC, it Tolls for Thee

    Monday’s Oregonian points out that the Vancouver mayoral election is the not the definitive word on tolling for the Columbia River Crossing. In fact, tolling will be decided in the state capitols, by the Washington Legislature and the Oregon Transportation Commission. In fact, although the article does not go into this, it would seem more…