Category: Projects

  • Metro Analysis Shows Tolls and LRT Curb CRC Sprawl

    Metro has completed a new growth forecast of population and employment, looking at various configurations of the Columbia River Crossing. While their modeling confirms that a bridge with no tolls would increase housing growth in the northern parts of Clark County (growth at the edge of the region – aka sprawl), the combination of Light…

  • Recalibration? Milwaukie Light Rail gets 50%, not 60% federal match.

    TriMet issued a press release today noting that the FTA has expressed strong support for the Milwaukie Light Rail project, but only committed to a 50% match, rather than 60% as has been customary in the past for light rail projects in our region. The reasons listed were: TA New Starts share could be no…

  • CRC Money Pit Grows by $42M

    Planning for the Columbia River Crossing, already approaching $100M, will apparently get a $42M injection from Senator Patty Murray. Anyone want to start a pool on whether planning costs for this bridge will exceed the actual construction cost of the Sellwood bridge?

  • A Few Quick Links for the Day

    TriMet and its union appear headed to binding arbitration Portland now has an official electric vehicle strategy Time to pick a design for the Sellwood – coverage by BikePortland Feds treating transportation as a health issue

  • Full URS CRC Report

    I haven’t had a chance to read through it yet, but here it is (PDF, 4.4M) for your reading pleasure.