Category: Projects

  • At the CRC Alternatives Review

    The panel reviews the alternatives developed by the community. The audience was a Who’s Who of progressive/alternative transportation thinkers, including a number of Portland Transport readers. I spent last night at the Columbia River Crossing alternatives panel organized by Metro Councilor Robert Liberty. A large majority of the 14 presentations submitted by the community were…

  • Keeping Up with the CRC

    Two items of note for the Columbia River Crossing: 1) The City of Vancouver is soliciting qualifications for designers to “help refine a vision and concept for the new open space under the proposed Columbia River Crossing alignment.” 2) Metro Councilor Liberty’s alternatives panel is next Tuesday, and we’re happy to point you to the…

  • Floating the 3rd Bridge Option

    The folks behind the “Third Bridge Now” alternative to the Columbia River Crossing are having a Root Beer Float fundraiser on Saturday.

  • A Truly Independent CRC Panel

    Metro Councilor Robert Liberty has put together a diverse panel to discuss alternatives to the Columbia River Crossing, to be convened on September 14th. Don’t miss it. Full details below… Metro Councilor Robert Liberty Convenes Panel Discussion of Alternatives to Current Columbia River Crossing Proposal 7 to 9 PM Tuesday September 14, 2010 The Columbia…

  • First CRC Hurdle Cleared?

    Yesterday, I described four hurdles that I thought a Columbia River Crossing project within the current boundaries defined by the project team (i.e., without take some significant steps backward to examine more alternatives) must clear. Today at the Project Sponsors Council meeting, a resolution appears to have been reached, at least in principal, to the…