Category: Projects

  • Oregonian opposes TriMet bond measure 26-119

    In this morning’s Oregonian, the editorial board came out against Measure 26-119, the TriMet sponsored bond measure which would continue the soon-to-expire Westside MAX bonds, in order to pay for numerous enhancements to the bus system, particularly to help out the disabled.

  • Common Sense CRC Analysis Paid for by the Private Sector

    Plaid Panty owner Chris Girard (who appeared at this summer’s community alternatives panel) engaged Joe Cortright to produce an analysis of the fiscal risks of the Columbia River Crossing. It’s sobering reading (PDF, 1.9M).

  • Eastside Openings this Week

    The East Burnside/Couch couplet has been in operation (and refinement) for a couple of months now, but the official ribbon cutting will be Tuesday at 9AM. In terms of real change on the transportation system, I hope the new signaling system for bikes as they cross the freeway entrance at Williams on NE Broadway (installed…

  • Sellwood Bridge Détente Apparently Reached

    As reported by the Mercury, Sam will apparently settle for a share of savings generated by value engineering.

  • CRC Looking for a “Strong Owner”

    ODOT Director Matt Garrett and WSDOT Secretary Paula Hammond have released their response (PDF, 160K) to the Columbia River Crossing Independent Review Panel recommendations. Two particularly notable points: 1) They agree to a phased project (i.e., “Uncle! We understand we can’t get $3.6B all at once.”) 2) They are looking for implementation under a “strong…