Category: Projects

  • TriMet and the Trust Gap Part 3: The Planning Role

    Today, TriMet held an informal planning session, at which point it was announced that in order to fund MLR, an additional $20 million of operating revenue may be needed to build Milwaukie MAX, as reported by Michael at A key word is “may”. This column address a broader issue; that of TriMet’s role in…

  • The Oregon gubernatorial election and transit looks at the Oregon gubernatorial election between Democrat John Kitzhaber, and Republican Chris Dudley, and its potential affect on transit in the Portland area.

  • Feds approve Milwaukie LRT EIS (Updated)

    A quickie: Michael Anderson at Portland Afoot tweets: “Feds have approved enviro impact statement for MAX line to OMSI, Sellwood, @trimet GM Neil McFarlane says. Will be published Friday.” More to come, certainly, on Friday.

  • Spencer Boomhower: CRC Genius

    At the Social Media panel today at RailVolution, it was emphasized that video is a great way to visualize and explain transportation ideas and issues that are otherwise difficult to communicate. We have no better example in our region than this video by Spencer Boomhower, laying out with stark clarity the issues around the Columbia…

  • Under New Management: TriMet and the Trust Gap

    What ought to be of concern to TriMet’s riders and supporters was Friday’s front page article by Joseph Rose, who covers the transportation beat for the paper. The title says it all: Will TriMet bond measure get the support of those who actually ride TriMet? In the article, Rose (who is quite knowledgeable on the…